The beginning of Infants In Need, Inc.'s Linda Ray Children's Center
In 1987 Linda Ray, President of Infants In Need, Inc. developed a vision to have IIN acquire additional property to add to the Linda Ray Children's Center a research center for "at risk" infants that had been exposed to crack cocaine. Wendell Ray was appointed by the IIN Board to move forward with this project.
Land with two apartment buildings adjacent to the Infant Center was purchased 1988.
Sasaki & Associates, nationally known architects and land planers donated the services of two of their staff to work with Wendell in developing the proposed Center plans.
The Children's Center was later renamed the Linda Ray Children's Center in honor of Linda Ray, the President and founder of Infants In Need, whose vision brought project this about.

A more detailed drawing was made by Sasaki and presented to the Board showing the entire proposed Children's Center.
The entire complex, as shown above, was to contain, upper right, the existing Infant Center, operated by The Children's Home Society.
Right below the Infant Center far upper right with the round tower on the rendering, was a 6 unit apartment building to be renovated into the Toddler Building. To the left of the Toddler Building was a 24 unit apartment complex that was to be renovated into an Intervention Center. This entire complex was to be known as The Linda Ray Children's Center.