Infants in Need and the Linda Ray Children’s Center
The friends and support groups of Infants In Need, through special events, individual donations and institutional grants, work diligently to meet the financial needs of its programs and projects.
The Executive Board of Infants In Need is composed of dedicated business people, doctors, attorneys, judges and various community leaders, including two former Senators and a Secretary of State.
The Center opened in 1993 to be used by the University of Miami Department of Psychology with it’s new Intervention Program to conduct research programs involving infants prenatally exposed to crack cocaine.
The Public Health Trust through the UM/Jackson Pediatric Department moved it’s Jackson Pediatric Center to the Linda Ray Center with it’s pediatric program that cares for small children with unique medical requirements that can not be met by their caregivers.

Help the helpless - the children who cannot defend or speak for themselves, to give them hope, happiness, a sense of worth and to ensure them a childhood.